I’m going to skip ahead a bit in this series to show you guys where I’m at so far in my visualization of the graph of rampage killers (upgraded from “rampage shooters” because of my inclination to include Alek Minassian, whose recently released police interview revealed his idolizations of Elliot Rodger and Chris Harper-Mercer– he even claims he was in communication with them, but this is unconfirmed. I have not looked into it, but the podcast Incel claims that the information [e.g. dates] doesn’t line up).
As you can see, this isn’t exactly glorious yet. On top of filling in missing data (I’m conflicted on what to do with Adam Lanza’s references, since he kept a spreadsheet of virtually every mass killer before him period), I want to lay the graph out chronologically– left-to-right by date of event– as most killers do not make reference to anyone who came after them (it does happen sometimes, as still-living killers may make statements in speech or writing during court proceedings, on websites, etc).